Many thanks to Wei Yang for creating and documenting use of the container.

Singularity image files: 

For S3DF:

  1. export myimage=/sdf/group/fermi/sw/containers//fermi-rhel6.sif. That is symlinked to the "prod" container in that directory.
  2. Go inside the container:
    1. singularity shell -B /sdf $myimage
    2. By default, the prompt is changed to “Apptainer> “. You are now in a shell and can do “ls”, “cd”, etc. 
    3. If you run command “id”, you will see you are running as yourself.
    4. if you need to see SDF filesystems (Lustre), add -B /fs/ddn/sdf
  3. Run a command in the container:
    1. singularity exec -B /sdf $myimage ls -l 
    2. singularity exec -B /sdf $myimage sh
    3. The above is usually used in batch jobs.
      1. to work on the scratch space in batch, add -B /lscratch
    4. if you need to see SDF filesystems (Lustre), add -B /fs/ddn/sdf

How to run Singularity container from rhel6-64, centos7 and sdf-login:

  1. export myimage=/gpfs/slac/fermi/fs2/software/containers/slac-fermi.img.ext3
    1. or use the new image file:
    2. export myimage=/gpfs/slac/fermi/fs2/software/containers/fermi-centos6.sif
  2. Go inside the container:
    1. singularity shell -B /afs:/afs -B /gpfs:/gpfs $myimage
    2. By default, the prompt is changed to “Apptainer> “. You are now in a shell and can do “ls”, “cd”, etc. 
    3. If you run command “id”, you will see you are running as yourself.
  3. Run a command in the container:
    1. singularity exec -B /afs:/afs -B /gpfs:/gpfs $myimage ls -l /afs
    2. singularity exec -B /afs:/afs -B /gpfs:/gpfs $myimage sh /afs/slac/
    3. The above is usually used in batch jobs.
  4. “-B /afs:/afs” means bind mount (make /afs available inside the container, as path /afs)
    1. Bind mount may not work well when running singularity on rhel6-64 machines, especially when autofs path (e.g. /nfs) is involved 
    2. By default, /tmp and your working directories are bind mounted.
    3. on centos7, you can also bind mount nfs similarly.

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