1. Sequence annotated and raw traceroute files to enable easier correlation.
  2. Add hop numbers to annotated file.
  3. GeoIP tools does not seem to work, need to allow replacement with Hostip.info.
  4. Make sure all open's and close's have a die associated with them.
  5. -Provide more detailed information if GeoIP Tools or if its follow on fails \[Done by Les 8/6/07\]-
  6. -Remove dependency on account akbar. \[Done by Les 8/6/07\]-
  7. Does not correctly show end country, in the example below the route is identified from BR to UY but it should be BR to PE. Since the tracveroute terminates before Peru it does not find the end country.
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1 (  0.892 ms  0.783 ms  0.759 ms
 2  ge-1-0-0-r1-rj.bkb.rnp.br (  3.058 ms  0.590 ms  0.706 ms
 3  so-0-1-0-r1-sp.bkb.rnp.br (  6.326 ms  6.250 ms  21.632 ms
 4  rnp-whren-stm.ampath.net (  146.245 ms  143.362 ms  143.321 ms
 5  nlr.ampath.net (  177.944 ms  178.762 ms  181.123 ms
 6 (  341.576 ms  341.484 ms  342.770 ms
 7  saopaulo-buenosaires.core.redclara.net (  369.670 ms  369.690 ms  370.923 ms
 8  buenosaires-santiago.core.redclara.net (  389.121 ms  389.505 ms  389.805 ms
 9  raap-pe-sant.peer.redclara.net (  480.197 ms  484.125 ms  479.740 ms 10  * * *
11  * * *
12  *