Pipeline needs: Brian Van Klaveren 

  • Add S3DF/S3DFDATA sites to DEV Pipeline, for L1 testing
  • The PROD pipeline interface hangs when loading a task (example)
  • Ability to delete tasks with runs from the pipeline admin (DEV and PROD)

SLURM questions:

  • Document all SLURM options supported by the pipeline interface Brian Van Klaveren 
  • What are all the available SLURM configurations (queue, memory, etc.) S3DF? Yang, Wei 
  • Do we need the analogous of a preempt queue in S3DF? What would that be? Richard Dubois 

Container needs: Yang, Wei 

  • Need a container where the architecture is set explicitly to rhel6 instead of centos6 (architecture name confuses SCons)
  • While we are at it, can we add CVS and vim to the new container?

Container quirks: Yang, Wei

  • Singularity gets confused by symlinks (example: /sdf/home/m/monzani/fermi-user vs /sdf/group/fermi/user/monzani). Is that the expected behavior? For now, workaround is --bind /sdf:/sdf (ugly but workable)
  • Surreal behavior with folder names: only difference is in the last line
#!/sdf/group/fermi/a/isoc/flightOps/rhel6_gcc44/ISOC_PROD/bin/shisoc python2.6

import os
import sys

L1Name = os.environ.get('L1_TASK_NAME') or "L1Proc"
L1Version = os.environ.get('PIPELINE_TASKVERSION') or os.environ.get('L1_TASK_VERSION') or "5.9"

BuildVolume = '/sdf/group/fermi/a/ground/releases/volumeL1'
L1BuildBase = os.environ.get('L1_BUILD_DIR') or os.path.join(BuildVolume, 'L1Proc')
L1Build = os.path.join(L1BuildBase, '5.9')
#!/sdf/group/fermi/a/isoc/flightOps/rhel6_gcc44/ISOC_PROD/bin/shisoc python2.6

import os
import sys

L1Name = os.environ.get('L1_TASK_NAME') or "L1Proc"
L1Version = os.environ.get('PIPELINE_TASKVERSION') or os.environ.get('L1_TASK_VERSION') or "5.9"

BuildVolume = '/sdf/group/fermi/a/ground/releases/volumeL1'
L1BuildBase = os.environ.get('L1_BUILD_DIR') or os.path.join(BuildVolume, 'L1Proc')
L1Build = os.path.join(L1BuildBase, L1Version)