Area detector analysis in smalldata_tools is handled using sublclasses of DetObjectFunc. In order to be itnegrated in the workflow, the function must subclass that object.

Let's start with an example of how to add a ROI function to a detector and process it over a couple events:

import psana

from smalldata_tools.DetObject import DetObject, DetObjectFunc
from smalldata_tools.SmallDataUtils import getUserData
from smalldata_tools.ana_funcs.roi_rebin import ROIFunc

# get psana data source
exp = 'xpptut15'
run = 650
dsname = f'exp={exp}:run={run}'
ds = ps.MPIDataSource(dsname)

# instantiate Jungfrau detector object
det = dobj.DetObject('jungfrau1M', ds.env(), int(run))

# prepare the ROI function
# See
# for info on the ROI function arguments
func_kwargs['ROI'] = [ [[0,1],[100,120],[50,60]] ] # a random ROI
func_kwargs['thresADU'] = None
func_kwargs['writeArea'] = False
func = ROIFunc(**func_kwargs)

# Attach function to the detector

# Process a couple events
ds.break_after(5) # stop event loop after 5 events

for nevt,evt in enumerate( # usual psana event loop
	det.getData(evt) # get the detector data
	det.processFuncs() # process the attached functions
	userDict[det._name]=getUserData(det) # get the function results