
Release Manager Backend

Everything is running except Windows.  Also, all builds are currently debug - Navid reports it would take about 50 - 100 new entries in MySQL to enable optimized builds.  Richard has asked that Navid go ahead and do so.

Navid is investigating the issue with the Windows builds.  Hopefully he will be able to sort out the issue with submitting jobs soon.

Richard had no new news concerning RHEL5 and Babar's plans, it is Richard's understanding that they will go to RHEL4 first.  Speaking of RHEL4, Heather has rebuilt G4 in optimized mode, once a new GR tag is prepared, we can test that we can consistently run GR in rhel4 with impunity.


 User releases are now being automatically generated for the soon to come installer.  Zips (tgz) of the externals are available for all OSes except Mac.  Emmanuel is working on building xerces for the Mac.  Navid will contact Tony concerning the interface for the new installer.

Release Manager Front End

Karen has updated RM2 on glast-ground is asking for additional comments.


The current version is 0.5.  This includes the updates for user releases, including providing a path to the files on u30.


There is a more recent production release of SCons but there are no features or bug fixes that affect us.  Navid can install this newer version on AFS and we can migrate at will.


Current release is 0.9.3 with versions available for windows, rhel3, rhel4, and Mac.  Joanne notes that Mac has not been fully stressed.

Windows on the to do list.  see next item

Windows Support

Joanne has been busy trying to learn about windows builds.  She has looked over Tracy's HelloWorld example.  Next items is to figure out how to get all information from SConsctruct structure into the project file such as the list of source, includes, and the include and library paths.


New release 0.1.1 with minor updates is now available.


Bryson offered to manufacture a version of FSW from a nightly build or from an upcoming candidate release.  There is a FSW meeting today where Bryson will inquire further.  [And since the meeting, Bryson has created IExternal/fsw v0r200] Once that's in - Joanne has some changes to externals.scons for a group of libs that MOOT needs.

Navid has created the symbolic link so that there is now one copy of some SCons-specific files shared between GR, ST, and CHS. [(Joanne) To be a bit more specific, Navid made a new top-level module in CVS called SConsFiles.  The tools which had been in <containerName>-scons/site_scons/site_tools are in SConsFiles/site_scons/site_tools. ScienceTools-scons and other containers now each have a symbolic link to SConsFiles/site_scons. ]



Concerning f2c, Joanne will double check what the last round of tags accomplished.  She did recall possibly noticing some errors may have popped up in LATEST.

Emmanuel is working on getting the GlastRelease-v15r49 tags for the SCons-specific files updated.  Currently working on a script to automate the process.  Heather's testing is pending that update to the GlastReleasev15r49 branch.

Navid and Joanne have further discussed creating a centralized lib directory, where there is a need to handle identical file names.  Joanne has posted details here:  https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/Proposal+for+obf+extlib+Organization&nbsp; Tracy is aware of the proposal and thus far has no complaints.

FRED v0r100 upgrade:  Emmanuel has been pursuing this and has run into a problem in testing.  He has built a newer version of FOX.  When testing by starting up FRED using ruby, he receives a segmentation fault.  Emmanuel has sent around details and will get back to this.

No meeting next week due to Navid's much deserved vacation.
