
 The main puropse of TULIP Central Reflector is to proxy the TULIP queries to PlanetLab's Scriptroute Service. It may also be extended to issue all queries.  This decision will be related to speed of execution and security among other things. The PlanetLab Scriptroute service provides a cookie which works for a single IP address only. So in this way all the requests will be issued from the Central reflector and the responses will be sent back to the TULIP JNLP Client.


 The TULIP Central reflector will be a CGI Script (reflector.cgi) deployed at SLAC. The TULIP client will issue a single request and the Reflector will go ahead and probe all the landmarks in that region*\[1\] and return the results to the TULIP Client.


Sample Scripts

traceroute.pl: This script has been written with special security considerations so it will help in implementing reflector.cgi

topology.pm: This is a multi-threaded script written by Yee so this will help understand the threading issues in perl which are a bit complex.