
Slack conversation with Ric on Sep 15 2023 about the status of bypass events.

Hi Ric, you’ve probably told me this before, but after this morning’s conversation you had with Matt about the common-ROG I think I need to be reminded:  I believe you added in this “bypass event” idea where if an event didn’t have the common-ROG (e.g. due to deadtime, which isn’t synchronized across readout groups) we would survive.  But when Matt ran last night without a common-ROG we didn’t survive.  Does that mean there is a limit on the fraction of bypass events we can have, and/or are non-common-ROG events marked damaged?

Hi Chris.  If I remember correctly, bypass events were causing Mona and the offline trouble, so we agreed to get rid of them.  Since then, events with an env in which the common RoG bit isn’t set are discarded very early on and counted in the nNoComRoG errors that you can see in the Error counts plot on the grafana page (below the Damage plots).  I don’t think I can see a reason why we would have died on a run without a common RoG.  I would have expected that we would have run fine, but no L1Accepts would have come through.
I think I was misremembering the situation in the meeting this morning.  What I was trying to say was that if we were to send events through the system without the common RoG having fired, the TEB could potentially build them out of time order.  Out of time order events cause aborts in various places in the system.

Matt writes about the rix run that didn't have a common ROG: The run proceeded, but I got nervous seeing all the bld events damaged, so I went ahead and made the common readout group, which only included timing.
