
Release Manager Backend

RHEL5 builds are running.

RHEL3 builds are running.

Mac builds were running until SLAC unix admins took the boxes down due to heating problems.

Science Tools 64 bit unit tests have been fixed with the aid of John Vernalo.  The developers involved have been notified and are responsible for committing and tagging the fixes.

ST Release builds are enabled.

Navid will get back to fixing the windows builds when possible.

 User releases are now being created for the soon to come installer.  Each user release is about 50 MB and is being stored on u30 as are the builds.  Navid desires to keep all RM2 related files on one disk this time around.  Developer releases will also be made available, Navid estimates these will be a couple hundred MBs.  He's planning to make the user releases available via the RMviewer.

Release Manager Front End

Karen has updated RM2 on tomcat03 to include a dialog box at the top of the page to allow users to customize the list of builds to be viewed.  She is awaiting further comment before propagating the changes to glast-ground.  http://glast-tomcat03.slac.stanford.edu:8080/rm2/releaseManager-II.jsp


The current version is 0.4.  Navid hopes to release a version 0.5 in the next few days.  This would include the updates for user releases, including providing a path to the files on u30.  Next up would be completion of the tag collector which is written but in need of debugging.


 There is a more recent production release of SCons but there are no features or bug fixes that affect us.  Navid can install this newer version on AFS and we can migrate at will.


Current release is 0.9.2 

Windows on the to do list.

Recent updates have involved cleaning up and addressing clarity issues so people understand the state of GoGui.  For example, a process is started for SCons so that it does not have to start up for each command issued via the gui.  However, there are instances where the process needs to be restarted.  Joanne has updated GoGui so that the SCons icon at the top of the gui varies depending upon whether the SCons process is running or not.  Another modification forces the package icon to be updated when a package is excluded previously, the change in package state was not immediately reflected in the gui.

Concerning Emmanuel's report of troubles running GoGui remotely via an xterm from a Mac - there were two issues:  One involved the SCons executable - GoGui was assuming the command "scons" would resolve to something.  Joanne has updated GoGui to report an inability to find the scons app to the user.  Also, when firing up the xterm, the -Y option should be used (can't recall what that does (smile) ).  The -Y option enables trusted X11 forwarding, which are not subjected to the X11 security extension controls (E.C.).


Joanne considers CHS to be complete and is waiting for Jim Panetta to test it out further.

Windows Support

Coming soon.


g2c versus f2c  - as far as we know the situation has not changed.  GR still has it, and fails on RHEL5.  Joanne volunteered to contact Jim Chiang to determine what can be done.


Heather started to test the GlastRelease-v15r49 tag of GlastRelease-scons to try it out.  The updates to the SCons-specific files such as the SConscript files are at the head (as they should be), but also need to be tagged along the GlastRelease-v15r49 branch so that users will get those changes when doing a checkout on GlastRelease-v15r49.  Emmanuel is aware of the situation, and Navid has a script that can apply the branch tag to those files.  Heather's testing is pending that update to the GlastReleasev15r49 branch.

Emmanuel has worked out using the original OBF directory structure (aka Tracy's directory structure (smile) ) and is awaiting approval before committing it.  Meanwhile, Navid and Joanne have further discussed creating a centralized lib directory, where there is a need to handle identical file names.  Joanne has posted details here:  https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/Proposal+for+obf+extlib+Organization

New Tagging Convention and new stag applications

Joanne has completed a new application, stag, that tags packages according to our new tagging conventions.  This is the prerequisite before having us migrate to the new tagging convention in practice.  Heather has played a little with the new app on windows and provided a couple of meager suggestions - all in all stag looks ready to go - but it would be helpful to have other testers.  Perhaps when we can name a date to move to the new tagging convention, that may put a little fire under other to try this out.

So, when do we make the move?  This would mean developers would begin applying the new style tags, and then RM would continue to apply the old style CMT tags until we have weaned off CMT.

Joanne asked if it would be possible to have both the old and new RMs notice new tags whether new or old style and apply the opposite as necessary.  Navid feels this is possible and would just have to take care not to introduce any infinite loops.
