
The PingER metrics motion charts are primarily used to visualize the trends in the Internet end-to-end performance statistics measured to over 600 countries from the 40+ PingER monitoring nodes spread worldwide. Having gathered data since 1998, the charts enable the users to study the trends, step changes, significant improvements/degradations with the help of these 4-dimensional charts.

The different sets of charts (w.r.t. regions) enables the users to study the progress made by countries in comparison to their neighbours as well as the world in general.

Below are some examples:

Observations made from Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), USA:

View of the world
from SLAC in Aug 2008
(min RTT vs norm. throughput
& Internet penetration)

View of the world
from SLAC in Sep 2007
(min RTT vs jitter, HDI
& Internet users)

View of the world
from SLAC in 2008
(packet loss vs min RTT,
region & throughput)

Observations made from CERN, Geneva, Switzerland:

View of South Asia
from CERN in Aug 2008
(avg RTT vs norm. throughput, 
packet loss & Internet

View of the Balkans
from CERN in Sep 2008
(min RTT vs jitter,
norm. throughput &
Internet users)

View of Africa
from CERN in Sep 2008
(min RTT vs norm. throughput,
Internet penetration &


By default, PingER metrics motion chart shows a motion scatter/bubble plot of the ping (100 Byte) average RTT in msec. ( x ) versus the normalized derived TCP throughput in kbits/sec ( y ). Each bubble represents a country. By default the bubbles are colored by region and their sizes are proportional to the Internet users. The motion is the time. The time granularity is by year. Click on the play button to initiate the motion.

Implementation Details

HTML output

To create a motion chart, the data must be populated in a data structure (as stated by Google Visualization APIand copied below):

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["motionchart"]});
      function drawChart() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();

              data.addColumn('string', 'Country');
              data.addColumn('date', 'Month');
              data.addColumn('string', 'Region');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Average RTT (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Normalized Throughput (Kbps)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Users (#)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Penetration (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Population (#)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Minimum RTT (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Packet Loss (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Unreachability (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Jitter (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'DOI Index');
              data.addColumn('number', 'HDI Index');
              data.setValue(0, 0, "Pakistan");
              data.setValue(0, 1, new Date(2007,02,01));
              data.setValue(0, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(0, 3, 421.346);
              data.setValue(0, 4, 1568.95315647059);
              data.setValue(0, 5, 7500000);
              data.setValue(0, 6, 4.7);
              data.setValue(0, 7, 172800051);
              data.setValue(0, 8, 311.482);
              data.setValue(0, 9, 1.331);
              data.setValue(0, 10, 15.591);
              data.setValue(0, 11, 19.906);
              data.setValue(0, 12, 0.26);
              data.setValue(0, 13, 0.551);

              data.setValue(1, 0, "Sri Lanka");
              data.setValue(1, 1, new Date(2007,02,01));
              data.setValue(1, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(1, 3, 418.664);
              data.setValue(1, 4, 2760.35944717647);
              data.setValue(1, 5, 280000);
              data.setValue(1, 6, 1.4);
              data.setValue(1, 7, 21128773);
              data.setValue(1, 8, 270.494);
              data.setValue(1, 9, 0.304);
              data.setValue(1, 10, 8.871);
              data.setValue(1, 11, 42.093);
              data.setValue(1, 12, 0.33);
              data.setValue(1, 13, 0.743); 

              data.setValue(2, 0, "Pakistan");
              data.setValue(2, 1, new Date(2007,03,01));
              data.setValue(2, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(2, 3, 397.897);
              data.setValue(2, 4, 1394.21896911765);
              data.setValue(2, 5, 7500000);
              data.setValue(2, 6, 4.7);
              data.setValue(2, 7, 172800051);
              data.setValue(2, 8, 305.533);
              data.setValue(2, 9, 1.248);
              data.setValue(2, 10, 12.917);
              data.setValue(2, 11, 31.064);
              data.setValue(2, 12, 0.26);
              data.setValue(2, 13, 0.551);

              data.setValue(3, 0, "Sri Lanka");
              data.setValue(3, 1, new Date(2007,03,01));
              data.setValue(3, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(3, 3, 357.202);
              data.setValue(3, 4, 4634.87959694118);
              data.setValue(3, 5, 280000);
              data.setValue(3, 6, 1.4);
              data.setValue(3, 7, 21128773);
              data.setValue(3, 8, 274.092);
              data.setValue(3, 9, 0.144);
              data.setValue(3, 10, 36.319);
              data.setValue(3, 11, 11.889);
              data.setValue(3, 12, 0.33);
              data.setValue(3, 13, 0.743);

              data.setValue(4, 0, "Pakistan");
              data.setValue(4, 1, new Date(2007,04,01));
              data.setValue(4, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(4, 3, 372.313);
              data.setValue(4, 4, 1918.28198552422);
              data.setValue(4, 5, 7500000);
              data.setValue(4, 6, 4.7);
              data.setValue(4, 7, 172800051);
              data.setValue(4, 8, 310.145);
              data.setValue(4, 9, 0.969);
              data.setValue(4, 10, 13.844);
              data.setValue(4, 11, 24.146);
              data.setValue(4, 12, 0.26);
              data.setValue(4, 13, 0.551);

              data.setValue(5, 0, "Sri Lanka");
              data.setValue(5, 1, new Date(2007,04,01));
              data.setValue(5, 2, 'South Asia');
              data.setValue(5, 3, 397.434);
              data.setValue(5, 4, 2450.70159022405);
              data.setValue(5, 5, 280000);
              data.setValue(5, 6, 1.4);
              data.setValue(5, 7, 21128773);
              data.setValue(5, 8, 298.214);
              data.setValue(5, 9, 0.410);
              data.setValue(5, 10, 7.527);
              data.setValue(5, 11, 6.979);
              data.setValue(5, 12, 0.33);
              data.setValue(5, 13, 0.743);

        var chart = new google.visualization.MotionChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
        chart.draw(data, {width: 850, height:500});

    <div id="chart_div" style="width: 850px; height: 500px;"></div>

The data must comply with the formatting requirements (as stated by Google Visualization APIand copied below):

Note that the data must be loaded in a chronologically ascending order. See the code above as an example. Also note that the order in which the columns are organized, defines the default metrics with which the axes are labeled. The first number column defines the label for the x-axis where as the second number column defines the default label for the y-axis. By changing the order of the number columns, the default labels for the axes can be changed.

Relevant files 

Following are the files involved in the process of generating the HTML page:


File path:/afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/

The script that defines the input arguments to generate the relevant .html files:

File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/


File path: /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/demographics.csv
File format:
#Country, Year, Population, Internet Users, Internet Penetration, DOI, HDI
United States, 2008, 303824646, 213364918, 70.7, 0.62, 0.951

 PingER data (obtained from prmout) Average RTT, Jitter (IPDV), Minimum RTT, Normalized Throughput, Packet Loss and Unreachability as seen from CERN, SLAC and ICTP:

File formats:
allyearly: #allyearly,?,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
monthly: #monthly,?,Oct2008,Sep2008,Aug2008, ... Jan2007,Dec2006,Nov2006
last60days:  #last60days,?,08Oct27,08Oct26,08Oct25,08Oct24, ... 08Aug31,08Aug30,08Aug29

File paths:






Country to region mapping:

File path: /afs/
File format: Country Name        Region Name
Note that the country name and region name are separated by a tab.


 Following is the pseudo code for implementation:

1. Load the country to region mapping to the hash-table "%region" which uses the country
    names (as defined by PingER) as the index.
    e.g. $region{'Kenya'} = Africa and
           $region{'Korea, Rep'} = East Asia.

2. Load the PingER data to the data structure "%data" which uses PingER metrics as the index.

    Here each entry stores a reference to a unique hash-table defined to store the PingER data
    related to a country. Understandably the second hash-table uses country names as the index.
    Each entry of the hash-table stores a reference to another hash-table used for storing
    performance measurements for the country. Here timestamps are used as indices.
    e.g. $data{'minrtt'}->{'Kenya'}->{'1998'},
           $data{'packetloss'}->{'United States'}->{'Oct2008'} and
    The metrics used are: minrtt, avgrtt, nthroughput, ipdv, packetloss and unreachability.

    An important factor to consider here is the file format. The yearly data from prmout is listed
    in an ascending order from left to right, where as for monthly and daily data, the
    measurements are listed in a descending order. Thus while loading, the iterators need to
    be defined accordingly.

3. Load the demographics to the data structure "%data" which uses labels as the index.
    Here each entry stores a reference to a unique hash-table defined to store the demographics
    of a country. The second hash-table uses country names as the index. Each entry of
    the hash-table stores a reference to another hash-table used for storing statistics
    for the country. Here timestamps are used as indices.
    e.g. $data{'population'}->{'Kenya'}->{'1998'},
           $data{'doi'}->{'United States'}->{'Oct2008'} and

    The metrics used are: population, inetusers, inetpenetration, doi and hdi.

4. Generate the .html file in compliance with the Google Visualization API constraints.
    Here the data is loaded in the following format (code in Javascript):
              data.addColumn('string', 'Country');
              data.addColumn('date', 'Month');
              data.addColumn('string', 'Region');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Average RTT (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Normalized Throughput (Kbps)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Users (#)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Internet Penetration (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Population (#)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Minimum RTT (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Packet Loss (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Unreachability (%)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'Jitter (ms)');
              data.addColumn('number', 'DOI Index');
              data.addColumn('number', 'HDI Index');
    N.B. the data must be uploaded in a chronologically ascending order.
5. Create .html files for each vantage point: CERN Switzerland (CH.CERN.N2),
    for each region: Africa, Balkans, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, Latin America,
    Middle East, North America, Oceania, S.E. Asia, South Asia, World, for each
    granularity: Yearly (since 1998), Monthly (last 20 months) and Daily (last 3 weeks).

Updating data files

The PingER data files are generated using the prm scripts. There are some trscronjobs running under  They appear as:

################################################################################ runs monthly to create the executive plots to be accessesd via:
pinger;600 30 02 1 * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#And yearly (Jan 5th at 4:30am) to get the yearly data.
pinger;600 30 04 05 1 * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#It also runs each morning to update the last 21 days information.
pinger;600 30 00 * * * /afs/ \
        -c /afs/

#Create the motion bubble plots:
pinger;10 00 08 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/

On the other hand, the demographics need to be updated manually. The file containing the coalesced statistics is demographics.csv. However to update the records, the steps listed below must be followed.

Files relevant to the process are:
Flat file listing the statistics:

The script to generate csv files (each reflecting records for a single statistic):

 The script to generate demographics.csv from the independent csv files:
The intermediate flat files listing each statistic separately are:
CPI:                          /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/cpi.csv
DOI:                         /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/doi.csv
HDI:                         /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/hdi.csv
Internet Penetration:  /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/inetpenetration.csv
Internet Users:          /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/inetusers.csv
Population:               /afs/slac/package/pinger/motion-chart/pop.csv

Updating the records:

1. Create a backup of the demographics.csv. This is just to avoid loss of information
    (in case of any error).
    (command: cp demographics.csv demographics.csv.back)
2. Execute the following command to generate the separate .csv files:

    This will generate the required files (cpi.csv, doi.csv, hdi.csv, inetpenetration.csv,
    inetusers.csv and pop.csv).
3. These separate csv files maintain records for a single statistic. Any update required
    to the demographics data should be made to these csv files. Note that the format
    of these files is such that each row represents statistics of a country and the columns
    list the annual measurements.
   e.g. the hdi.csv has the following format:
   #Country, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
   Albania, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801, 0.801
   Algeria, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733, 0.733
   AmericanSamoa, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

   For example to add records for the year 2010, open each csv (for the separate statistic)
   in MS Excel and add another column. The header must state the correct year (note the
   file format.)
4. Once all the csv files have been updated, execute the script to generate the coalesced
    demographics statistics.
   This command would read the separate .csv files and generate an updated demographics.csv
Note that both the scripts are strongly dependent on the format of .csv files being correct.

One of the simplest methods would be to load the flat file (csv) (xls) in Microsoft Excel and use the VLOOKUP method to add additional statistics in new columns for each country. Note that each country defines a new row of data for each year. Consider the following example:

#Country,Year,Population,Internet Users,Internet Penetration,DOI,HDI
United States,1998,276115288,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,1999,279294713,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2000,282338631,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2001,285023886,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2002,287675526,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2003,290342554,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2004,293027571,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2005,295734134,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2006,298444215,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2007,301139947,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951
United States,2008,303824646,213364918,70.7,0.62,0.951

 Note that the country names used here must be the same as those used by PingER. The source of the data presented here is mentioned in the section 'Miscellaneous Details'.

Generating up-to-date PingER Metric Motion Charts

To generate up to date .html files of the PingER metric motion charts execute the following script:


The charts generated (listed below) may then viewed publicly via SLAC's web server.


Miscellaneous Details


Sometimes instead of balloons, stars or asterisks are displayed.   Try a complete refersh(CTRL-Refresh).