
Introduction and goals

This is the working page of how we define the instrumentation division strategy within TID. Here you can find what we will do, how you can contribute and what we have done. Most of the work will happen from February till June to discuss questions about our organizations and topics we work on, this will result in a ID strategy presentation in August 2023. We ask you to contribute as part of the instrumentation division by filling in our first survey, attending the monthly focus groups, attending the monthly topical seminars and finally approving and applying the resulting strategy. If you have any questions, or any feedback on the process, let Sander Breur know as he is spearheading this effort.

Useful links:

Useful materials:


high-energy physics:


Activities done/ongoing:

ID communication:

Building improvements:

Sign-up sheets for events of this month: 

For those attending the focus group or instrumentation seminar we will provide a simple selection of sandwiches, one piece of fruit and a cup of coffee. But only if you sign up at least 24 hours before in the sign-up sheet and only for the first 10 due to budget restrictions! 

(You are welcome to bring your own lunch)

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Focus session: what are our weaknesses and threats?Wednesday, April 2612:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor) person only

Full Calendar of events:

Every month we try to have one focus session on the second Wednesday of the month, and one topical seminar on the third Wednesday of the month. The focus sessions are only in person and meant to discuss answers on the specific question about our organization. The instrumentation seminars will have several speakers giving short five-minute introductions from different viewpoints after which the goal is to have questions and discussions to identify what future opportunities there are within this topic. The outcomes from these focus sessions and instrumentation seminars are then used as the starting point by the department heads to determine a coherent ID strategy. Every event is open to everyone within instrumentation.

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Focus group: What are our strengths? (+ Questions on quantum)Wednesday, February 1512:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor) person only
Instrumentation seminar: Quantum we do and quantum we don'tWednesday, February 22nd12:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)
Instrumentation seminar: high-energy physics part 1Wednesday, March 2912:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)
Instrumentation seminar: high-energy physics part 2Wednesday, April 512:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)
Instrumentation seminar: photon scienceWednesday, May 1712:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)
Instrumentation seminar: microelectronicsWednesday, May 2412:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)
Focus session: how do we want to grow and collaborate?Wednesday, June 1412:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor) person only
Instrumentation seminar: TBD on security, medicine, space?Wednesday, June 2112:00 – 1:00 PMBallam (188) conference room in building 84 (first floor)

The following events are to discuss a draft strategy and to present the final instrumentation strategy to everyone within our division, within TID and within SLAC.

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Feedback session on preliminary ID strategyFriday, June 28

ID final strategy presentationThursday, August 17