No physical limit switches on these slits.

10/10/2022: Position limits:

9/9/2022: Position limits:

Can use HomeR or HomeF – Forward homes it to 0.3mm and Reverse homes it to 0.0mm

Do not HOME the motor. It homes very fast

For regular moves, use 0.2mm/sec speed

Ensure retry count is reduced to 1



No physical limit switches on these slits.

10/10/2022: Position limits:

9/9/2022: Position limits:

Do Not home the SLITS. Slowly jog to the limit and set the position from motor record.

For regular moves, use 0.2mm/sec speed

Ensure retry count is reduced to 3



9/27/2022: Position limits: after rotation!

NEED to confirm what value is OUT of beam

9/9/2022: Position limits:



9/27/2022: Position limits: after rotation!


9/9/2022: Position limits:


M3Pitch and M3Yaw

Motors were not driven to the limit switch. Only to the position where alignment was able to give data. So when the device is IN(?)

M3P: Moved from 36.6 to 38mm

M3Y: Moved from 34.7 to 35.9mm

Disable Torque on M3Y while moving the motor M3P.

Disable Torque on M3P while moving M3Y.