
This script generates topology graphs of traceroute data of a particular region/group of countries in the Guthrie database. You need to provide either the name of the traceroute server that you will use to do the traceroute or specify a file containing the raw traceroutes. In the absence of these arguments the program does traceroutes from the current machine.

Visualizing topology graphs can be very useful for seeing and demonstrating how direct or indirect routing is between countries (often routing between  countries close to one another in  developing regions can go via Europe or the US). It is also useful to discover hosts whose location is not properly known.

An example from running
245cottrell@pinger:~/bin/projects/topology/trunk/unit_tests>perl -d region_topology.pl is shown here:


In order to install the software from svn follow these steps:

akbar@iepm-resp $ pwd
akbar@iepm-resp $ mkdir myprojects

Now cd into the myprojects directory and download the iepm,topology and pinger projects using svn, by issuing the following commands:

akbar@iepm-resp $ cd myprojects/
akbar@iepm-resp $ pwd
akbar@iepm-resp $ svn co file:///afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/scs/net/netmon/repo/svn/topology topology
A    topology/trunk
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_iepm-db-topology.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/regiontopology.conf
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_canvas.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_topology.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_tools-tracerouteASN.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/lookup.txt
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_canvasWithASs.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/region_topology.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/region_topology_wrapper.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_canvas-graphvizWithASN.pl
A    topology/trunk/unit_tests/test_canvas-graphviz.pl
A    topology/trunk/www
A    topology/trunk/www/html
A    topology/trunk/www/html/traceanal.css
A    topology/trunk/www/html/traceanal.js
A    topology/trunk/www/html/wz_tooltip.js
A    topology/trunk/doc
A    topology/trunk/install
A    topology/trunk/lib
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Node
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Node/Graphviz.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Node/GraphvizCountry.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Canvas.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/ASGroup.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Canvas
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Canvas/Graphviz.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Canvas/GraphvizCountry.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/CountryGroup.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link/Graphviz.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link/GraphvizCountry.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link/ASN.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link/Country.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute/ASN
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute/ASN/Graphviz.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute/Country
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute/Country/GraphvizCountry.pm
A    topology/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceroute/Graphviz.pm
A    topology/trunk/bin
A    topology/trunk/bin/traceroute_topology.pl
A    topology/trunk/bin/traceroute_analysis.pl
Checked out revision 552.
akbar@iepm-resp $ svn co file:///afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/scs/net/netmon/repo/svn/iepm iepm
A    iepm/trunk
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_table.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_tools-traceroute.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_cgi-typechecking.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_ping.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_time.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_distribution.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_topology-node.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_tcpmon.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_topology-nodeAndLink.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_jitter.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_jitter_tcpmon.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_traceroute-comaprison-metadata.pl
A    iepm/trunk/unit_tests/test_traceanal-htmltable.pl
A    iepm/trunk/doc
A    iepm/trunk/doc/README.asn
A    iepm/trunk/install
A    iepm/trunk/install/Makefile.asn
A    iepm/trunk/lib
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/ASN
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/ASN/WhoIs.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Jitter
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Jitter/ITU.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Jitter/IPDV.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Table.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Ping.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Traceroute.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Latency.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/TCPMon.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/ASN.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Jitter.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Traceroute
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Traceroute/ASN.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Traceroute/Country.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Tools/Country.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/CGI
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/CGI/TypeChecking.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution/Cumulative.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution/Latency.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution/Cumulative
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution/Cumulative/Latency.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/DistributionCumulative.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/DistributionCumulativeLatency.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/Distribution.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Statistics/DistributionLatency.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Stream
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Stream/Tools
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Stream/Tools/Traceroute
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Stream/Tools/Traceroute/HTML.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities/Number.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities/Dumper.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities/Time.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities/TimeConvert.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Utilities/TimeInterval.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Node.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/SubnetChange.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/TracerouteComparisonMetaData.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Link.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/TracerouteMetaData.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Row.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Table.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Element.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Table
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Table/HTML.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Element
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Topology/Traceanal/Element/Symbolization.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/CGI.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Plot
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Plot/CanvasGnuplot.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Plot/Data.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Plot/Canvas.pm
A    iepm/trunk/lib/IEPM/Plot/DataGnuplot.pm
A    iepm/trunk/bin
A    iepm/trunk/bin/asn.pl
Checked out revision 552.
akbar@iepm-resp $ svn co file:///afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/scs/net/netmon/repo/svn/pinger pinger
A    pinger/trunk
A    pinger/trunk/unit_tests
A    pinger/trunk/lib
A    pinger/trunk/lib/IEPM
A    pinger/trunk/bin
A    pinger/trunk/bin/pingtable.pl
A    pinger/trunk/bin/HostSearcher.pl
A    pinger/trunk/bin/scriptdoc.pl
A    pinger/trunk/bin/prmout_filter.pl
A    pinger/trunk/bin/country_search_list.conf
A    pinger/trunk/bin/script_list.txt
Checked out revision 552.
akbar@iepm-resp $

Running the Program

akbar@iepm-resp $ ls -rtl
total 82
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg          10212 Jul  2 15:55 test_topology.pl*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           5828 Jul  2 15:55 test_tools-tracerouteASN.pl*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           5201 Jul  2 15:55 test_iepm-db-topology.pl*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9598 Jul  2 15:55 test_canvasWithASs.pl
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9602 Jul  2 15:55 test_canvas.pl
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9552 Jul  2 15:55 test_canvas-graphvizWithASN.pl
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           6557 Jul  2 15:55 test_canvas-graphviz.pl*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           1515 Jul  2 15:55 regiontopology.conf
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           4908 Jul  2 15:55 region_topology_wrapper.pl*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg          14552 Jul  2 15:55 region_topology.pl*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg            155 Jul  2 15:55 lookup.txt
akbar@iepm-resp $ region_topology.pl

                region_topology.pl --region |--group |--country |--file |--hostfilelist  --detail [--tracerouteserver] [--colorlinks] [--endnodes]

                --region               Name of region in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --group                Name of group in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --country              Name of country in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --file                   Path of file containing a list of raw traceroutes, which to use for drawing the graph
                --hostfilelist         Path of file containing a list of hosts to do traceroutes, for drawing the graph
                --detail                Detail level of the graph (values include 'asn' or 'country' or 'all' and is mandatory)
                --tracerouteserver Complete address of traceroute server from which to do traceroutes. Default is localhost
                --colorlinks           Whether to color links according to traceroute ('on' or 'off')
                --endnodes           Whether to display end nodes in the graph ('on' or 'off')
                --basepath            Base path where to generate the graphs
                --from                   Name of the site containing the tracerouteserver (optional, e.g. SLAC)
                region_topology.pl --group 'SUB.SAHARA' --detail 'country'
                region_topology.pl --region 'Latin America' --detail 'all'
                region_topology.pl --file 'rawtraceroutes.txt' --detail 'all'
                region_topology.pl --region 'Latin America' --detail 'all' --tracerouteserver 'http://www.tenet.ac.za/cgi-bin/traceroute.pl'
                region_topology.pl --hostfilelist 'beacons.txt' --detail 'country'
                region_topology.pl --basepath '/afs/slac/u/sg/akbar/graphs'

If you run the script with --help or without any options it gives you the usage. The following options need to be provided:

To assist in debugging problems the script also produces an annotated file:

Creating the gif file from the dot file

To create the gif file from the dot file use

36cottrell@pinger:~/bin/projects/topology/trunk/unit_tests>dot -Tgif -o ~cottrell/public_html/rviz.gif tempdot-SaoPaolo-to-Latin_merica.txt
Error: Could not find/open font : Times in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF:/usr/share/fonts/Tru

 This will read input file tempdot-SaoPaolo-to-Latin_merica.txt and create output gif file ~cottrell/public_html/rviz.gif. Ignore the error message.  In the above case you will be able to view the output at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~cottrell/rviz.gif


By default the topology gif file is placed in the current working directory with the name graph-<from>to<region|group|country>.gif.  Where <from> is the value in the --from option, <region|group|country> is the value in the --region | --group or -country option. For example if called with:

region_topology.pl --region Africa --detail country --endnodes on --tracerouteserver 'http://www.unikin.cd/cgi-bin/ traceroute.pl' --from 'DRC'

then the topology gif file has the name:  graph-DRC-to-Africa.gif. If the --basepath option is specified then rather than placing the file in the current working directory it is placed in the directory specified by basepath. For example if called with:

region_topology.pl --region Africa --detail country --tracerouteserver 'http://www.unikin.cd/cgi-bin/ traceroute.pl' --from 'DRC' --basepath '~cottrell/public_html'

then the file will appear at ~cottrell/public_html/graph-DRC-to-Africa.gif.  The output of this file is a graph with end nodes in rectangles, routers in ellipses and directed edges between the nodes.

It also creates three other files (for example):

  1. tempdot-DRC-to-Africa.txt, this is the dot file that provides the node relationships. It is of the form:
    digraph G {
            nodesep = 0.10;
            ranksep = 0.25;
            fontsize = 9;
            node [style=filled,height=0.15,width=0.3,fontsize=9];
            subgraph cluster_ {
                    label   =       " ()";
                    style   =       "dashed";
                    n0xa567b44      [label=""];
            subgraph cluster_NI {
                    label   =       "Nicaragua (NI)";
                    style   =       "dashed";
                    nNI     [label="Nicaragua"];
            subgraph cluster_EC {
                    label   =       "Ecuador (EC)";
                    style   =       "dashed";
                    nEC     [label="Ecuador"];
                    n200_31_30_47   [label="gye.impsat.net.ec",shape="polygon",sides="4"];
                    n200_125_133_7  [label="* www.gastromonde.edu.ec",shape="polygon",sides="4"];
                    n201_217_87_3   [label="3.201-217-87.uio.satnet.net",shape="polygon",sides="4"];
            }...        nBR     ->      n143_108_25_100;
            nBR     ->      n143_108_31_3;
            nBR     ->      nUS;
            nUS     ->      nUY;...}
  2. rawtraceroutes-DRC-to-Africa.txt, this is the raw traceroute data measu4red, for example a series of traceroutes of the form:
    %Traceroute No 1
    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
     1  gate (  0.224 ms  0.187 ms  0.114 ms
     2 (  9.986 ms  1.067 ms  0.985 ms
     3  FE8-0-0.gw1.dcm.sky-vision.net (  563.816 ms  710.425 ms  760.908 ms
     4  gw-uk.sky-vision.net (  570.907 ms  569.249 ms  551.291 ms
     5  skyvision-01692-ldn-b2.c.telia.net (  653.103 ms  661.445 ms  644.227 ms
     6  * ldn-b2-geth10-0-336.telia.net (  647.579 ms *
     7  ldn-b2-link.telia.net (  645.400 ms  630.215 ms  640.610 ms
     8  ldn-bb2-link.telia.net (  650.851 ms  657.959 ms  660.839 ms
     9  ldn-b4-link.telia.net (  672.093 ms  639.208 ms  640.740 ms
    10  teleglobe-114869-ldn-b4.telia.net (  640.735 ms  670.570 ms  637.608 ms
    11 (  645.608 ms  680.312 ms  690.821 ms
         MPLS Label=2789 CoS=5 TTL=1 S=0
    12 (  650.858 ms  672.188 ms
  3. annotatedtraceroutes-DRC-to-Africa.txt, which contain annotation information from the individual traceroutes, for example:
    %Traceroute No. 1
    COUNTRY's: (total 4)
    1. gate (
    Country:        CG
    Name:   Congo
    2. (
    Country:        GB
    Name:   United Kingdom
    3. FE8-0-0.gw1.dcm.sky-vision.net (
    4. gw-uk.sky-vision.net (
    5. (
    6. (
    Country:        EU
    Name:   Europe
    7. skyvision-01692-ldn-b2.c.telia.net (
    8. * ldn-b2-geth10-0-336.telia.net (
    9. ldn-b2-link.telia.net (
    10. ldn-bb2-link.telia.net (
    11. ldn-b4-link.telia.net (
    12. teleglobe-114869-ldn-b4.telia.net (
    COUNTRYLINKS: (total 4)
    NAME:    -> NAME:       CG
    NAME:   CG -> NAME:     GB
    NAME:   GB -> NAME:     EU
    NAME:   EU -> NAME:     GB


Accurately locating the routers can be difficult. We use Geo IP Tool as the default. We also looked carefully at hostip.info, however it provides locations for fewer hosts and is not more accurate for our purposes. Both systems use databases and are not very complete/accurate for router interfaces. We are also developing TULIP to provide Geolocation using ping RTTs. It is a very valuable check on suspicious locations provided by the database methods. When we find the locations of hosts for which database methods provide the wrong countries, we provide a simple lookup table with the preferred countries.

Improvements/Bugs etc.