Communications etc.

  1. Projects (see
  2. Azher replacement for PERN, COMSATS, NIIT hosts (Ahmed, Siggiqui, Umar?)
  3. Resolve next graduates/visitors: Arshad, Les
    1. Akbar leaves July 4th.
    2. Shahryar & Asif leave Sept 15, 2007.
    3. Get paperwork going for Faran (need passport and CV 5/31/07, arrive mid August, salary 1/3 SLAC 2/3 NIIT)
    4. Try for Qasim January 2007 (SLAC looking for funding, else NIIT funds).
    5. Try for Umar Mar 2007.
  4. Paper for Nepal (has been accepted, conference postponed to Dec '07): Shahryar
    1. Register at SLAC: Shahryar
    2. Update to right format and new figures: Shahryar
  5. CHEP (NIIT cannot pay travel, SLAC cap is a problem)
    1. Poster accepted 5/6/07
    2. Book hotel: Shahryar
    3. Write paper/poster
  6. Paper on event diagnosis: Adnan
    1. Future plans Needs improving): Adnan
      1. Get student: Adnan, Umar
  7. SOFTEC prize publicity
    1. Get press release (not sent, needs Faran's photo, 5/31/07)
    2. Get announcement & photos from SOFTEC
    3. Add to TULIP pages and SLAC network page
    4. Get in SLAC Today
  8. Visit of Rector?
  9. Proposals
    1. Develop new proposal with more a Grid Health viewpoint (Cisco raised issues, await resolution 3/22/07, talked to people who will supprt, now talking to Cisco. Hope for 100% from HEC, then Cisco chip in 4/12/07): Yee, Arshad, Les, Cisco
    2. Proposal to HEC needs reformatting in PC (Planning Commission) 1 format (for $0.5 over 3 years): Umar
    3. USAID proposal due 6/30/07
      1. Yee is working on, need Pak justification, 1st Draft by 6/2/07
      2. Les work on budget ($50K US, $100K Pak, 3-4 students, no fund for coordinate/supervise)
    4. Proposal to Cisco on TULIP (awaits Faran's finals): Faran
    5. Proposal to Cisco on perfSONAR: Les
    6. World Bank may be able to fund travel
    7. Work with NSF to see if we submit to them: Les
      1. send NSF 1 page outline of proposal (Les & Yee are creating 4/12/07, done NSF cannot help)