Parameter file name: test_stand_061422.prm

Motor: HT23-601C (Applied Motion)

Encoder: Resolute Encoder RL26BAE050D30A

Pitch: 5mm

Positive Dir: to the left 


Encoder = 50nm resolution => 1 count of encoder = 5 * 10^(-5) mm

Counts/unit = 1/ (5* 10^(-5)) = 20000


1 motor revolution = 5 mm

=> 20000*5 = 100000

If 0 pos is set at right end:

Speed at 1mm/sec:

CW end of travel limit switch encoder reading: 139.2416mm 

CCW end of travel limit switch encoder reading: 52.6566mm 

mid point= 95.9622mm

0 pos is set at middle:

Speed at 1mm/sec:

CW end of travel limit switch encoder reading: 43.3323mm 

CCW end of travel limit switch encoder reading: -43.3531mm