Real time access to PingER (as recent as the last 30 mins) data. This is an extension to However rather than running it at each site, one uses the script ( to fetch the most recent data from the specified monitoring site. It will be based on with mods to enhance the form to allow selection of the monitoring site, easier ability to select monitoring node (show by alias name where country code comes first (to allow easier searching/grouping), selection of data format (to enable just getting the data as well as plotting). After selecting monitor site and remote site(s) from the form then (or a new test version) will be called using to get the data (initially at least just for one day (depending on time taken), default today), tell the user to be patient while getting the data, warn if site is not pingable, or there is no data etc. After getting the data, plot graphs of RTT & loss (probably overplotted as in the FNAL graphs (e.g. to save screen space) for each selected pair (mon host remote host), also allow to choose to see freq distribution. We may add other metric choices besides RTT & Loss, e.g. IPDV, min RTT etc. (see FNAL plot). I have also included the FNAL author in case it makes sense to look at his cgi script.