Recovering 1 micron motor resolution

Go to facethome → Network/LI20 and click on SIOC:LI20:MC01 → Reboot

Motor interface (web browser)

Cabling at the FACET-II rack in the galery

IP configuration

XPS configuration file

; ########################################################################################
; # Generated from quick configuration by Administrator on Thu, 26 May 2022 00:22:32 GMT #
; ########################################################################################

BootScriptFileName = 
BootScriptArguments = 

SingleAxisInUse = Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, Group5
SpindleInUse = 
XYInUse = 
XYZInUse = 
MultipleAxesInUse = 

; ####################################################
; # Single axis group 'Group1' and its positioner: Pos

PositionerInUse = Pos

PlugNumber = 1
StageName = UTS100_ZOMBIE_2021
SecondaryPositionerGantry = Disabled

; ####################################################
; # Single axis group 'Group2' and its positioner: Pos

PositionerInUse = Pos

PlugNumber = 2
StageName = UTS150_ZOMBIE_REVERSE_2021
SecondaryPositionerGantry = Disabled

; ####################################################
; # Single axis group 'Group3' and its positioner: Pos

PositionerInUse = Pos

PlugNumber = 3
StageName = UTS150ZOMBIE_2021
SecondaryPositionerGantry = Disabled

; ####################################################
; # Single axis group 'Group4' and its positioner: Pos

PositionerInUse = Pos

PlugNumber = 4
StageName = TRA25_ZOMBIE_100TPI
SecondaryPositionerGantry = Disabled

; ####################################################
; # Single axis group 'Group5' and its positioner: Pos

PositionerInUse = Pos

PlugNumber = 5
StageName = TRA12_ZOMBIE_100TPI
SecondaryPositionerGantry = Disabled