
  1. Frontend - Yee, Ahmad
    1. Fix incompatibility with IE6,7 (Ahmad)
    2. Javascript documenation - non currently exists, inline with javascript
    3. spider & pie charts (Shahryar)
      1. Tidy up problem with legends
      2. implement PNG functionality
      3. Documentation on wiki
    4. Implement and test distribution mechanism for frontend (web) code into installation scripts (Ahmad)
    5. Implement web frontend as virtual host for apache (Ahmad)
  2. Backend (Akbar, Yee)
    1. Extensive Documentation (Akbar)
    2. Scoreboard implementation \[complete 5/13/07\] (Akbar)
      1. Testing of scoreboarding backend
      2. Documentation and flow diagrams
    3. RRD file organisation - refactor code to enable full paths in rrd files and also /source/dest/source-dest_<type>.rrd file location.
    4. Test Ahmed's new installation script (Akbar)