Every 6 months the password needs updating - the account is SpBureau. This account and its password are used by the Speakers Bureau web app, with the password stored in the Oracle database.

  1. change the password, account SpBureau via https://crowd.slac.stanford.edu/crowd/console/user/viewchangepassword.action
  2. Update the password in Oracle:

ssh glast@fermilnx-v14
glast@fermilnx-v14 $ pwd
glast@fermilnx-v14 $ source oracle/bin/setup-11g-j7.csh
glast@fermilnx-v14 $ sqlplus /@glastgenprod

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jan 7 17:18:33 2022

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Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> update application_variable set variable_value = 'NEW_PASSWORD_HERE' where variable_name = 'spBureauConfluencePasswd’;

SQL> select * from application_variable where variable_name='spBureauConfluencePasswd';  (check that the update worked)

3. Bounce the SpBureau web app here: https://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/ServerMonitoring/exp/Fermi/applications.jsp