My editorial comments are in italics.

Morning Session

Thursday, 9:00 AM, Sierra conference room

Hans, Tim, Norman, Jeremy, Caroline, Nick, Rich, Dima, Rob

Tony's showed his Use Cases wiki page

We noted that a cluster can have a gap in it if a strip is know to be bad dead or hot. For now clusters will be contiguous but we anticipate that
we will need to have non-continguous clusters at a later date.


Rob mentioned the issue of the histogram code in the example to access the SimTrackerHits.

Tony has calorimeter clusterers that are intended to work with a wide range of geometries, so long as the geometries support certain features. He
wants to make sure we include these features. I missed some of the detail.

This lead to a broad discussion about one geometry element knowing its neighbours and how this should be implemented. Lots of it was calorimeter oriented. For example, What if the neighbouring cell is on a different detector element?

Rich showed a new candidate for the cluster class.

Norman showed some TRF stuff:

Afternoon Session

Hans, Tim, Norman, Jeremy, Caroline, Nick, Rich, Dima, Rob

Rich presented a stripped down cluster class that was discussed briefly. It was very close to the class Rob presented on Wednesday.

Dima presented an interesting idea to split the concept of a cluster into two pieces:

A TrackCluster can create a TrackerHit when asked. There are two models for use:

When I am finished with the pattern recognition, I will have a list of tracks, each of which will have a list of associated TrackerHits.

We still need a solution for bookkeeping which clusters are still available for use. While a TrackCluster object does keep a List of all TrackerHits that it created, this is not the correct bookkeeping solution:

Someone pointed out that the TrackCluster has time field and we asked why. All of the cluster classes discussed today have it. In retrospect we
are not sure that it belongs.

We do not have a mechanism for recording the configuration information for the clusterfinder and TrackCluster code: what thresholds were used,
what algorithms were used to form clusters, what algorithms were used to compute position once the track was associated.