Open Questions

Use cases

The idea here is to collect examples of how end users use the geometry package to ask various questions.


Find what layer a tracker hit is in

Find the position of a trackerhit (or possibly line segment). (Note this is required for displaying hits in an event display – and needs to be done with no a-priori knowledge)


Find neighbours of a given calorimeter hit

Find the cellid for a given position

Find the maximum valid phi and theta bins in given calorimeter layer

Find the layer of a calorimeter hit


Enumerate the subdetectors in a detector, and get their name and id

   Detector det = event.getDetector();
   for (Subdetector sub : det.getSubdetectors().values())
      String name = sub.getName();
      int id = sub.getSystemID();

Find if this detector has a TPC, and if so what is its outer radius