Starting web GUI for DAQ

 use your browser to start with fastX3: 

start a new session, and launch a desktop

right click the desktop, and start a terminal: 

ssh to rddev111:  ssh -Y rddev111: 

start firefox with address: firefox http://localhost:5007/main_SP

If you need to work for the DAQ development, you can start firefox with http://localhost:5008/main_DAQRD

LV Power Supply Control and Camera

Choose the "Detector LV & HV" Tag

There are 3 buttons for LV power cycle/on/off

You can read the LV power supply status with Camera

It's a static picture from the camera. need to refresh the browser to get the latest Camera output.

Run Scan for Rd53 FE

Choose the "Scan Control" Tag at first:

Click the "Start Scan" Button, and waiting about ~10 sec for digital scan

Some scan information, like scan number, scanType, and scan time are shown in text

The Occupancy map for the digital scan will show a the bottom.