From counting house as hpsrun (should already be done):

In terminal: connect config hps-svt-2

In another terminal: connect config hps-svt-3

Remotely (in Hall B gateway):

ssh -Y clonfarm2
vncviewer :2

ssh -Y clonfarm3
vncviewer :2

Remotely (outside jLab network):

#tunnel to This opens a new xterm with an open tunnel to login

xterm -e "ssh -N -L <port> <username>" &

#Tunnel to a machine behind the firewall spawning a top process to keep the tunnel open. First put gatewayPin+OTP then pwd to the machine behind the firewall

xterm -e "ssh -t -p <port> -L 5902:localhost:5902 <username>@localhost \ \" ssh -t -L 5902:localhost:5902 \ \"top\" \" " &


Software installation locations (11 Ago 2021)

(minus) Any crate related command should be issued by SVT experts only

SDK software installation to talk to the atca crate

source /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt_new/V3.4.0/i86-linux-64/tools/
cob_dump --all atca1  => dumps the RCE status (booted is 0xea)
cob_rce_reset atca1 ==> resets all the RCEs
cob_rce_reset atca1/1/0/2  ==> resets a particular dpm (in this case dpm1)
cob_cold_data_reset atca1 ==> "power cycles" the RCEs (sometimes they do not come back up nicely so rce_reset might be needed after)

SVT software is installed in

=> diskless is exported to the cobs via nfs (server hosted on clonfarm1, NFS has to be v2 !! important )
=> daq is exported to the cobs via nfs. Has been compiled on DTM1
=> server contains the current software installation

Start rogue servers

On clonfarm2 start the rogue server

source /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt_new/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate rogue_5.9.3
cd /data/hps/slac_svt/server/heavy-photon-daq/software/scripts/
python  --local --env JLAB --epicsEn

The "epicsEn" flag is necessary to enable controls via Epics.

On clonfarm3 start the dummy server

python --local --env JLAB

Taking a CODA run

If opening the Rogue GUIs for the first time, make sure all of the FEBs are turned off. 

To take a CODA run, both the rogue server and a dummy server need to be started.   To start the rogue server, first ssh into clonfarm2 and issue the following commands

source /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt_new/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate rogue_5.9.3
cd /data/hps/slac_svt/server/heavy-photon-daq/software/scripts/
python  --local --env JLAB --epicsEn

The dummy server runs on clonfarm3 and can be brought up as follows after ssh'ing into that machine

source /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt_new/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate rogue_5.9.3
cd /data/hps/slac_svt/server/heavy-photon-daq/software/scripts/
python  --local --env JLAB --epicsEn

At this point, the FEBs and hybrids can be brought up via the medm GUIs.

Once the hardware has been powered up, you can initialize a run in CODA using the configuration PROD77_SVT and the config file hps_v2_svtOnly_noThresh.

(minus) CODA run control should be running in a VNC on clondaq7.  If not, contact the DAQ expert.  

Coda / Rogue Errors

1) RssiContributor::acceptFrame[X]: error mistatch in batcher sequence 000000dc : 00000000

This is in the event builder and indicates that we are dropping packets.

This is raised in in the event_builder by acceptFrame thread


rol BUSY

Causes: Dropped frames.

Fix: Reset COBs

2) ROL crashes during download→prestart phase showing readback errors on the FEBs

This usually indicates that the FEBs lost clock

Effect: not possible to run

Causes: FEBs lost clock

Fix: Recycle FEBs and run control