when interested in online feedback about hit finding, etc...

Step-by-step guide

As of June 12, 2021, do the following on mfx-daq:

  1. Go to OM directory:
    cd ~/OM-GUI
  2. Create the experiment directory by copying from one already present:
    cp -r mfxYYYY19 mfxXXXX19
  3. Go to the OM workspace where you can edit OM parameters, run OM, its GUI, ...: 
    cd mfxYYYY19/om_workspace
    1. Edit the parameters in monitor.yaml:
      • point to the experiment calibration directory by editing psana_calibration_directory under data_retrieval_layer
      • to adjust the geometry, edit geometry_file under crystallography
      • for hit finding, edit e.g. adc_threshold under peakfinder8_peak_detection
      • to change the mask, edit bad_pixel_map_filename under peakfinder8_peak_detection
    2. Launch OM (preferably in screen mode so others can have access to it):
      1. (optional) Open a screen session: 
        screen -xr
      2. run OM: 
      3. (optional) Detach from the screen session:
        Ctrl-A Ctrl-D
    3. Launch the GUI: 
    4. Launch the parameter tweaking GUI: 
      (it will allow you to play with the parameters, but remember to enter them yourself in monitor.yaml if you want them to be applied)

For more info and example configuration and geometry files for MFX and CXI: https://www.ondamonitor.com/html/running_om/

Also, for information about the parameters in the configuration file: https://www.ondamonitor.com/html/parameters

And for most common errors: https://www.ondamonitor.com/html/errors/

You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information, tips or things users need to be aware of.

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