A live application has been created to monitor the RTD temperature on the ring.

ssh -Y atlascr.slac.stanford.edu

Then connect to the local Mac in the CR:

ssh -Y atlas@ (password AtlasItk)

cd /home/atlas/DCS_Monitoring_P19_0 

and execute the script:

python3 CoupledRing_UpSide.py

If you are on site, you can run this directly from the Mac.

A display will be prompted, which shows the actual shape of the ring and the position of the RTDs.

The temperature is updated every 10 s in the current settings.

Both the temperature and the RTD number in () as displayed in Grafana (http://atlascr:3000) are shown.

Sometimes, for a desync problem, there is a little failure in the reading and a 850 will be displayed in red.

A time stamp in PDT is also visualized and a pdf file will be created for the last value read before terminating the script.

Change the display size for a better reading if needed!

For info, please contact vcairo@slac.stanford.edu