
JKFlow provides the processing of netflow data into numerous RRDs which allows great breadth in the detail of the netflow data. This project focuses on interactive and easy to use web based front ends to such data.

A current prototype of the netflow visualisation can be viewed at

Project Description

To develop, test and document a flexible web based perl/cgi frontend for netflow data that has been processed with JKFlow. This project will be heavily centered around the development of server side code to gather, form and provide graphical and tabular information regarding post processed netflow data. It will also require the development of the javascript based client code to provide a rich user experience in order to analyse the information. It is strongly recommended that as much Web2.0 technologies be used as possible.


User authentication

Provide a mechanism for Authenication, Authorisation and Auditing of the visitors and users on the webpage.

Provide a flexible user front end

Provide a tabular interface on the main page in order to provide ajax based pages for:

Extend and Refactorise backend

Current backend scripts are written in perl/cgi. They should be refactored and redesigned to provide a more uniform api for the frontend to access the information.