Configuration and Deployment of PingertoSmokePing


Depends on rrdtool version 1.2.12 or newer version of it. Therefore it must be installed. The RRD tool is already installed on PingER machine.

Security Checks

 The perl taint option -T is used in order to taint the input which the cgi will get from the user also "strict" is used.

CGI Scripts


Configuration Steps:

use lib "/afs/";
use lib "/afs/";

The problem I faced with this is that it was unable to link the dynamic library (.so) file at the run time which I ran it from Flora but when I ran it from 

PingER it worked fine. The problem was due to the fact that Flora is a 64 bit machine.

my $imgsrc="$HOME/pinger_smokeping/html/GraphCache where $HOME is my home directory where the project is placed.


Displays the SourceSite_DestinationSite_PacketsSize_NumberOfPings(maximum) RRDs(data) available for the monitoring site or node slected from by user.

Configuration Steps:

where $HOME is my home directory where the project is placed.

1. src_regexp (Monitoring Site)
2. by site | node

I am facing lot of problems with this script. This script is called from the new version of but the problem is that it cannot find the

monitoring host. I think the problem is somewhere with the format of the monitorig site pingtable passes it ( and the

*format in the text file is ( I also tried to print the hash $NODE_DETAILS{$contents2\[1\]}\[1\] but it gave empty result.*


= "SMOKE []";
require "$base_dir/";



These three scripts are deployed at Test server (/afs/

which I guess is not accessable from outside world. These scripts are deployed at: