Here is a set of interfaces that would allow reading partial data from the AIDA Store.
AIDA object would now have to manage its own data - retrieve missing data from the Store when needed, allow data parts that are not currently in use to be Garbage-Collected, backup temporary data to the Store.

public interface IPartialDataStore extends OnDemandStore {

     * To be used with any simple AIDA object that has no
     * internal structure, like: ICloud, IDataPointSet, IHstogram

    IPatialData partialData(Object aidaObject, int row);

     * To be used with AIDA objects that has internal structure,
     * like: ITuple

    IComplexPatialData complexPartialData(Object aidaObject, String pathInObject, int\[\] rows);


public interface IPatialData {

    int startRow();
    int endRow();
    Object data();


public interface IComplexPatialData {

    int[] startRows();
    int[] endRows();
    String pathInObject();
    Object data();


Main problem with this approach is that AIDA object that requested the partial data does not know what is it getting back - it would need to cast generic Object to something specific, like ICloud, double\[\], etc.