CHEP'07 Theme:

The theme of the conference will focus on the processing of HEP data at all stages, from the high level triggers that run on farms of CPUs situated close to the experiment through to the final analysis that use resources distributed worldwide.

We expect to draw on the experience from running experiments and also to review the status of new studies of the distributed computing models being made in preparation of the LHC experimental programme.

CHEP'07 Tracks:


Possible JAS3/JAIDA topics:

  1. Use of JAS3/JAIDA in experiments: GLAST, BaBar, etc.
  2. New developments and improvements in FreeHEP and JAS3

Very preliminary abstract:

JAIDA is a Java implementation of the Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis (AIDA); it is part of the FreeHEP library. JAIDA allows Java programmers to quickly and easily create histograms, scatter plots and tuples, perform fits, view plots and store and retrieve analysis objects from files. JAIDA can be used either in a non-graphical environment (for batch processing) or with a GUI to be used just to display plots. In addition files written with JAIDA adhere to the AIDA IO standards and can be read by any AIDA compliant analysis system.By using the AIDA "C++ to Java" adapter (AIDAJNI), JAIDA can also be used from any C++ program.JAIDA is used internally by JAS3 which provides a full featured GUI in addition to the above functionality.
The AIDA tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide access to AIDA functionality from JSP pages. It provides easy access to dynamically creating high quality physics and astronomy plots, as well as providing access to histograms and Ntuples stored in any AIDA store (which includes ROOT files via rootd or xrootd).

This software is currently used by several experiments and collaborations: BaBar, GLAST, Geant4.

Experience of using JAS3, JAIDA, and AIDATLD in experiments, as well as description of new developments will be presented in the talk.