ATLAS ITk pixel activities resumed on site in B33 and B84 as of July/2020, as part of the stage-1 recovery process with still very restricted access of just a few people in a building. The general SLAC-wide information related to on site operations can be found at the SLAC COVID-19 Resource Center, with essential information such as safety protocols, COVID-19 training and daily health check. The key planning document for the on site access is the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for the specific programs. The two ATLAS ITk pixel specific JSAs (Stanford GoogleDoc - login/access required):

The access granted are restricted to the specific building the approved person is on the JSA for, and only limited number of buildings are open for any activities. However, anyone with approved activities on site can go to the common facility buildings such Building 50 for computing help, Shipping and Mail Office etc, without specific JSA reference for that building, as long as you are observing the procedure for those buildings. 

A weekly process requires us entering the proposed work plan and personnel for the coming week at the FPD Daily-Weekly Tag up GoogleSheet and fill in the weekly location questionnaire for each individual coming on site. Weekly planning meetings for each JSA program tracked at the FPD ESH Home, including the two ATLAS JSA planning confluence pages: 

People not directly involved in these JSAs can also request short one-time access to e.g. fetch items from office, by following the instructions. For those first time returning to site since the Shelter-in-Place order in March, please wait for confirmation that your name is with the Main Gate guards for approved access before going to SLAC. You can also optionaly take the COVID-19 viral swab and blow antibody tests offered to on-site staff.

B84 specific Information 

Mark Freytag's (Building manager) building instructions (Jun/24/2020): 

  1.  You should already have taken the Covid awareness course, if not contact Traci, Adrienne or your admin. You won’t be allowed onsite without having passed the class.
  2.  All who are affiliated with building 084 (TID, FPD, AD,…) need to fill out the location questionnaire on a weekly basis, This is currently used to keep track of who is on site, and plan is that it will be used for permission to come onsite for the following day so important that it gets filled out/updated properly. Any guests that you are wanting/needing to bring into the building also needs to fill out the form, and get approval to enter the building (JSA review if they are planning on doing work, CAYG,…).
  3. At least one hour before you are coming in  you need to do the Stanford healthcheck : (B084 = Central Lab Annex for building).
  4. Have a mask, you will need it at any time you are close to other people, per California guidance/law. Only places you are allowed to not wear the mask is outdoors away from people, while eating/drinking, or in your office with the door closed.
  5. Scan badge at front gate, you should get a green light – if not you will need to talk to guard and figure out what to do next.
  6. Drive (at speed limit, one already let go for violating speed and access) to where you will be working and follow building directions.
  7. For building 084, we have instituted directional flow (maps attached for 1st and 2nd floor, doesn’t apply to basement) – there is one entrance at each end of the building on each floor. All other doors are exit only. There are enough people in the building that you should follow traffic flow – long hallways are one way, short are 2-way so you need to figure out who yields.
  8. At each entrance there is a hand sanitizer and bags with wipes for CAYG (Clean As You Go), please use.
  9.  If you haven’t already, you will need to sign the JSA(s) that are for you. You NEED to have a signed JSA to do any work on site.
  10. Note that all offices are single use, and cubicles are discouraged – so you may have been moved.
  11. Bathrooms are also single user.
  12.  Shared coffee pots are not allowed, the coffee maker upstairs is considered single use.
  13. Kitchen and break areas are >6ft and CAYG. 6 foot markings are on the floor to aide you. Please don’t congregate in hallways.
  14.  Meeting rooms have been reduced to 1/3 occupancy and strongly discouraged.
  15.  Any questions contact Traci or me for building issues, your manager for other issues. This includes if you need PPE, cloth masks, wipes, …
  16.  Suggestions accepted, but may not be possible to implement.

Further instructions from Mark: