The new 2M has bee scanned through all modes and ranges using the internal pulser, thanks to firmware updates by Maciej and some hand-holding from Dan Damiani.

The calibration scan is run with the command epix10ka2m_offset_calibration -p 1 -D DetLab -I 0 -i 0 -v 0 -V 1 -e 4608 -s 7.  If you type epix10ka2m_offset_calibration -h you can get a description of the switches.  That script works in ASC...the equivalent script in MFX has a different name and is not working well as yet).

We've been able to get enough flux directly from the Mini-X to flip the autoranging circuitry for the central part of the image.  We've also aimed the Mini-X at a copper target to measure Cu fluorescence flat fields.

Beam time 8/10/20: