Present:  John, Rafo, Stepan, Matt G., Norman, Tim, Cameron, Tongtong, Maurik, Matt S., Andrea, Omar

    1. Fig.1 (a) \epsilon^2 vs mass with 2015 (published) and 2016 resonance search, with all other experiments on it, the latest
      Fig.1 (b) \epsilon^2 vs mass with 2016 vertexing results (optimum interval method), low \epsilon region
    2. Fig.2 (a) 2019 SVT rendering with mods
      Fig.2 (b) hodoscope
    3. Fig.3 (a) 2019 vertexing resolution vs mass
      Fig.3 (b) 2019 vertex distribution for available statistics efficiency vs. z for long-lived A' at two masses
    4. Fig.4 (a) 2019 mass distribution after Esum cut 
      Fig.4 (b) 2019 Esum distribution overlayed MC, show 2 cluster events with different symbols
    5. Fig.5 Reach plot - expected reach from 2019 and projected reach for 2021 (3.7 GeV) with all others in Fig.1(a)