
Chef is a configuration management tool (like Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack, CFEngine). It is a tool which manages the configuration of centrally managed Linux servers, compute clusters, and desktops at SLAC. Examples of configuration items Chef manages include: sudo privileges, login access privileges, logging, software repositories, cronjobs, baseline security configuration. Chef is the configuration management tool for CentOS 7 and later, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and later, and Ubuntu 16.04 and later. Operating systems earlier than those (RHEL 5 and 6, Solaris) are centrally managed using Taylor (a locally written configuration management tool).

Installing Chef

To get Chef installed a SLAC owned Linux server, contact . To get Chef installed on a SLAC owned Linux desktop, contact .

If you prefer to install Chef yourself, that is also possible.  Run this command as root (or sudo):

 curl -s | sudo -i /bin/sh

You can also place the above command in your kickstart %post script if you are doing automated network installations. If you want to use a non-default chef configuration, you can create a json file named /root/kickstart-chef.json with your configuration options and it will be used by the go-chef script.  You can email for help with this.

Chef Architecture

Chef log files and directories

Chef-client logs are sent to syslog and a local log file. You can view the logs using these methods on each host which is managed:

sudo less -r /var/log/chef/client.log
sudo journalctl -t chef-client
sudo grep -w chef-client /var/log/everything

The logs are also sent to the central syslog server, and to Splunk.  On the central syslog server, the log can be viewed here (this is for OCIO staff only):

ssh loghost
grep -w chef-client /u2/today/SYSLOG/daemon


Directories with Chef information, and some useful Chef commands:

/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/This directory contains the cookbooks downloaded from the chef server.
/var/chef/cache/backup/This directory contains backup files of any changes made by chef.
sudo -i /root/knife-node-showThis script will show configuration details for the current host.
/afs/slac/g/scs/systems/report/chef/ directory contains information about each host managed by chef