Login Nodes

The following machines can be used for remote SSH access to SLAC:

Load-balanced HostnameOperating System
centos7.slac.stanford.eduCentOS 7.x
rhel6-64.slac.stanford.eduRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x
iris.slac.stanford.eduRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x


Example usage:

ssh centos7.slac.stanford.edu

You can add your username to the login command like this:

ssh centos7.slac.stanford.edu -l username

(replace "username" with your actual SLAC username.

X11 GUI access

SSH is capable of forwarding X11 through the connection. This will be slow when you are connecting from a non-SLAC network. To display SLAC X11 / GUI applications to your remote desktop or laptop, we have FastX available. For more information, see https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SCSPub/FastX .

Data Transfer Nodes (DTN)

For transferring large amounts of data, ssh and scp are not the most optimized tool for this. bbcp and/or globus are better choices. There are two Data Transfer Nodes available:
