Email from Aayush 20180102

As requested by Les Sir, we are providing a functional prototype of the Android Application.
Please download the file onto your devices from this Google Drive Link as Gmail does not allow attaching apk files. Installation instructions have been attached as a separate pdf.
A jailbroken/rooted Android Device is NOT needed for this application. You can proceed installation on a regular Android Device.

You can however use a rooted device to access the root storage directory where the application stores and processes its xml and txt files. 
We have also added back the Ping and Upload buttons for today's demonstration as the app automatically pings and uploads the processed data every 30mins, but we can't wait that long. We will however provide a full demonstration during today's meeting in a few hours from now.

Do reach out to me or James if you have any questions or concerns regarding the installation procedure.

Email from Aayush 4/6/2019

It is  uploaded it on google drive . And also as mirrors on other services. 

As decided in the previous meetings, Amity proposed to add GPS Data to the existing data being collected by the PingER App. The team at amity also proposed to use a Cloud Service to store the data, rather than using the proxy server suggested earlier.

All these proposals were carried out in new/separate apps so as to test the feasibility, and if found good enough; then they were incorporated in the main app (which was shown to you in our last video conference).

We are attaching these apps inside compressed archives because gmail flags apks, exes and zips inside zips as false positives and blocks uploading or downloading them. Since 7zip can decompress all kinds of archives like zip, gzip, 7zip, bzip2, iso, rar, et cetera.. so you’ll first need a 7zip file archiver to unzip it (download here). Inside the attached "Pinger" file you’ll find two 7zip files – “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” and “Prototype App.7z” which we discuss further down in this email. Just download and extract the first zip file and then unzip whatever is needed.

  1. Thus, the archive “Prototype App.7z” (mirror link) contains the progress carried out by the newly recruited members of the Pinger Android team at Amity. In case you don’t want to install the app, the 7z file contains a few screenshots too if you want to look at their progress too.

  2. The other archive “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” (mirror link) is a compressed 7zip archive that contains both the built app, AND the accompanying source code of the entire project in case someone from your team would like to compile and build the project themselves.
    The app contained in this “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” archive contains the proposals made by the new recruits integrated into the older master app by the seniors because we know our way around the existing code better. The new recruits still have a lot to learn. We have also uploaded a few screenshots of the Firebase Project Dashboard within PingER-Extension-v6.7z to show how data is being saved.
Pinger (attached with email)
├── PingER-Extension-v6.7z
│   ├── 1 Firebase Dashboard.png
│   ├── 2 Firebase Dashboard.png
│   ├── PingER-Extension-v6.apk (updated app)
│   └── PingER-Extension-v6
│       └── PingerAmity (Android Project Folder // Source Code)
│           └──...
└── Prototype App.7z
    ├── 1 Signup.jpeg
    ├── 2 Validate.jpeg
    ├── 3 Main Screen.jpeg
    └── Juniors App.apk (prototype app)

You will find the apk files in both the 7zip archives. Install whichever you like on your device. Installation instructions are also attached as a pdf for your convenience.

Also, we strongly advise you to not distribute this application for widespread use yet. The REST API is not obfuscated yet, and we are using our personal accounts for testing first, so as not to deplete the free-tier quota in a separate deployment account for PingER. Also, we are currently underway resolving an error where in firebase keys can be the host name but encountered an error while setting hostname as key; although the app is currently functioning as intended. 

Our next step will be to create a compute service that converts the received JSON data to TXT format for consumption by the data mining team.
We also intend to figure out a way to associate the data received with a PingER MA for better organization in the cloud storage.

Feel free to reach out in case of further queries. 

Warm regards,
Aayush Jain
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Aayush Jain <>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2019 at 13:42
Subject: Re: Latest version of the Amity Android/PingER MA
To: Dr. A. Sai Sabitha <>

Good Morning Maam and Sir, 

As decided in the previous meetings, Amity proposed to add GPS Data to the existing data being collected by the PingER App. The team at amity also proposed to use a Cloud Service to store the data, rather than using the proxy server suggested earlier.

All these proposals were carried out in new/separate apps so as to test the feasibility, and if found good enough; then they were incorporated in the main app (which was shown to you in our last video conference).

We are attaching these apps inside compressed archives because gmail flags apks, exes and zips inside zips as false positives and blocks uploading or downloading them. Since 7zip can decompress all kinds of archives like zip, gzip, 7zip, bzip2, iso, rar, et cetera.. so you’ll first need a 7zip file archiver to unzip it (download here). Inside the attached "Pinger" file you’ll find two 7zip files – “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” and “Prototype App.7z” which we discuss further down in this email. Just extract the first zip file and then unzip whatever is needed.

  1. Thus, the archive “Prototype App.7z” (mirror link) contains the progress carried out by the newly recruited members of the Pinger Android team at Amity. In case you don’t want to install the app, the 7z file contains a few screenshots too if you want to look at their progress too.

  2. The other archive “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” (mirror link) is a compressed 7zip archive that contains both the built app, AND the accompanying source code of the entire project in case someone from your team would like to compile and build the project themselves.
    The app contained in this “PingER-Extension-v6.7z” archive contains the proposals made by the new recruits integrated into the older master app by the seniors because we know our way around the existing code better. The new recruits still have a lot to learn. We have also uploaded a few screenshots of the Firebase Project Dashboard within PingER-Extension-v6.7z to show how data is being saved.
Pinger (attached with email)
├── PingER-Extension-v6.7z
│   ├── 1 Firebase Dashboard.png
│   ├── 2 Firebase Dashboard.png
│   ├── PingER-Extension-v6.apk (updated app)
│   └── PingER-Extension-v6
│       └── PingerAmity (Android Project Folder // Source Code)
│           └──...
└── Prototype App.7z
    ├── 1 Signup.jpeg
    ├── 2 Validate.jpeg
    ├── 3 Main Screen.jpeg
    └── Juniors App.apk (prototype app)

You will find the apk files in both the 7zip archives. Install whichever you like on your device. Installation instructions are also attached as a pdf for your convenience.

Also, we strongly advise you to not distribute this application for widespread use yet. The REST API is not obfuscated yet, and we are using our personal accounts for testing first, so as not to deplete the free-tier quota in a separate deployment account for PingER. Also, we are currently underway resolving an error where in firebase keys can be the host name but encountered an error while setting hostname as key; although the app is currently functioning as intended. 

Our next step will be to create a compute service that converts the received JSON data to TXT format for consumption by the data mining team.
We also intend to figure out a way to associate the data received with a PingER MA for better organization in the cloud storage.

Feel free to reach out in case of further queries. 

Warm regards,
Aayush Jain