
Estimated Length of Outage to Perform Upgrade

Approximately 20 minutes total based on length of time it took to add the new table-columns in DEV.


Rollback Procedure:

Because of the new stored procedures that will be installed the back-out procedure is slightly more involved than usual:

  1. Shut-down pipeline server
  2. Return server start-up script to version 1.2.5
  3. Re-upload Pipeline stored procedures v1.2.5
  4. Re-upload Data Catalog stored procedures v2.1
  5. Restart pipeline server

Note that the additional steps are quite simple to perform and only extend the outage for a back-out from ~5 minutes to ~10.
Updates that would not require backing out (with justification):

  1. Columns added to Process and ProcessInstance tables for auto-retry support need not be removed as it is not used by previous pipeline version and will be ignored.
  2. PFE (Pipeline Front End) need not be reverted from 2.7 back to 2.6 because additional features supporting process auto-retry will work if columns are not removed, and schema additions are optional and backward-compatible.

Associated Jira:



Pipeline 1.3

DataCat Client 2.3

Pipeline Front End 2.7