Scientific Computing Services and Unix Platform have transitioned from OpenAFS to YFS for central servers and batch computing.
For more information on YFS, please see:

Although SLAC IT Helpdesk does not install or support OpenAFS or YFS on desktops or laptops, if you decide you want to install and
managed YFS yourself, see below for some steps which have worked for some people.

For Linux desktops and laptops, we recommend using FastX, scp, and sshfs for easy access to central Unix storage. But for those
users who still wish to install a native YFS client and manage it themselves, we have this page to point you in the right direction.

If you want to install and maintain the YFS client yourself on your desktop, here are the steps for Ubuntu "bionic", which is 18.04. 

If you are running another version of Ubuntu besides bionic 18.04, then replace "bionic" with the codename for your Ubuntu LTS release (eg, xenial for 16.04).

cd /tmp
curl -O -s
apt-key add ./AURISTOR-GPG-KEY-v1

cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/auristor-client.list <<EOF
deb [arch=amd64] bionic client

apt update
apt-get install auristorfs-client auristorfs-modules3-`uname -r`