This page is deprecated. The information has been moved to the primary Detector Conditions page.

As of 2019_03_14 the hps-java code allows you to use a local offline copy of the conditions database in a single sqlite3 database file. Below are the instructions on how to do this.

Creating an sqlite3 database

You need to create a snapshot of the MySQL database in an sqlite3 database file. Doing so is much easier using a dedicated (and complicated) awk script, that reformats a MySQL database dump. Recommended is the script from "dumblob": Get the script with:

chmod +x mysql2sqlite

You may need to change the first line to point to your version of gawk (or awk). 

You can then create the hps_conditions.db sqlite3 database file with the following steps:

  mysqldump --skip-extended-insert --compact -u hpsuser --password=darkphoton -h  --lock-tables=false hps_conditions > hps_conditions.mysql
  mysql2sqlite hps_conditions.mysql | sqlite3 hps_conditions.db


Using a local sqlite3 database

You can use the hps_conditions.db database by adding -Dorg.hps.conditions.url=jdbc:sqlite:hps_conditions.db to the "java" command.