
Thursday-SaturdayDec/6-8T577 stand alone running. Day shift AMO beam unusable. 
SundayDec/9Time early for possible first move of Caladium onto beamline 
Monday-TuesdayDec/10-11Shared running with T577 
WednesdayDec/12Unclear if beam can go beyond 9am 

Main Goal

The Nov/2018 T539+T545 session had reduced beam time due to one primary LCLS experiment didn't permit the 5 Hz parasitic beam to ESTB. A makeup shared session was negotiated during this period with T577 (Moller calorimeter) also using secondary beam. The main goals  of this test session: 

  1) Collecting similar data as November session for the two SLAC RD53A modules with different active silicon thicknesses from the two LBNL modules. These modules didn't get beam time in November due to truncated session.

  2) An independent examination of the L1A time distribution with the SLAC HSIO2+FEB readout. Data taken so far with YARR all exhibited a very broad distribution.