Present: Stepan, Maurik, Nathan, Matt, Tim, John, Raphael, Marzio, Raffayel

- Tim discussed DOE review of HPS. The date is now set, January 18, Friday. Reviewers have been contacted. He mentioned that while remote participation is possible, there will be no remote presentations, so people who are going to present a talk at the review must be on site (SLAC). Stepan talked to Sergey, he can come and give DAQ talk. The question was if Matt G. can come.
Draft of very-very preliminary agenda exists, decision is to have first very preliminary slides of all presentations ready for viewing on January 7, then the final slides on January 14, that will leave enough time for minor fixes before the review.

- Stepan presented the updated schedule of upgrades that was sent to JLAB management. According to the new timeline, everything will be installed by end of April. It was noted that in the tables (two tables were presented one for SVT upgrade another for trigger hodoscope) the date of the last update was incorrect, instead of 11/6/2018 it was 7/6/2018. Stepan corrected it, see attached.

- Tim gave an update on SVT upgrade:
* no news from the sensor vendor (no news good news), still expect to get sensors before Christmas breaks 
* hybrid readout board has been received, one minor problem (sort of anticipated) was found, it will be easy to fix. Assembly of readout electrons will start soon.
* fabrication of the assembly fixtures started, it went to a good vendor, good price and good lead time
* work on DAQ ongoing, still having an issue with the TI firmware, will need to get Sergey involved
* two new students joined the group, one from UCSC, Alic Spellman, another from Stanford, Adele Zawada     

- Rafo presented plans for hodoscope, so far work is progressing well and the plan is to have hodoscope ready by March, see slides.

- Maurik talked about the new version of MC with hodoscope, but with L1 to L6. Matt Solt is working on the version with L0. Still there is some work to be done on the readout end, but the MC is basically ready. It was discussed if there will be some results ready from this new simulations on detector configuration, run conditions and on special runs for presentation at the review. Matt S. is doing simulations for L0, that will have results, hopefully there will be some results on hodoscope as well.

- Matt G. already talk to Matt S. and Omar to get ICHEP proceeding paper on arXiv. They will prepare a version with the full author list, send it to PPC and then after approval of PPC will post it on the arXiv. No time line was set, will check at the next EC meeting.