Present: Stepan, Maurik, Nathan, Matt, Tim, John, Raphael, Marzio

Please send additions and/or corrections to the EC email list.

- DOE IF review of HPS at SLAC (Tim)

Tim discussed upcoming review of HPS at SLAC. The review is requested by DOE and looks like will be a readiness review for the summer 2019 run. There is no charge yet (was expected to have one today) but it might be that review will take place by the end of year. Overall consensus was that it is too short notice to get ready, but from other hand further delaying will make review useless. HPS was asked to provide names of potential outside reviewers. Tim has list of topics based on which will get name of people for the review committee.

- preparations for the collaboration meeting (Tim)
Tim has a draft agenda already, and started preparations at SLAC. He will draft a letter to JLAB and SLAC management to invite to the meeting. The 

- status of 2015 bump hunt paper (Matt)
No changes after Friday discussions, just waiting for Omar to finish with all the comments and changes. John pointed out that our response to reviewer’s question on HPS reach should be well formulated, that HPS main strength is reaching new territory using vertexing analysis 

- ICHEP proceedings, author list (all)
It was agreed that proceeding will be authored by Matt S. and Omar, with “on behalf of HPS collaboration”. The same writeup will be posted on hep-ex with HPS author list.