This page describes smalldata_tools, a suite of code useful for analysis from the xtc data to small(er) hdf5 files at several stages of analysis. The code can be found on git at

At XPP or XCS, the code setup is usually taken care off by the beam line staff. The suggest working directory is:


Here, you will find three main scripts and 3 python files that can be adapted to the needs of your experiment. The first stage of the analysis is the production of the "small data" file, the colloquial name for run-based hdf5 files which contain different data arrays where the first dimension is the number of events. This production can be run automatically on each new run so that the data is available only a few minutes after the run has ended. It can also be run on request in case you want to tweak the data extraction. The following pages describe this in more detail:

Generation of small hdf5 files

Automatic Production

Analysis tools for 120Hz data (XPP/XCS style) - NEW


smalldata_tools also contains code to help with the analysis of these files and a streamlined production of "binned" data (or the "cube"). It can be run either in an ipython environment or in jupyter notebooks. "start" notebooks for the analysis will be provided and can be adjusted in advance for the needs of the upcoming experiment to lighten the load of the user.

Configuration of the smallData

How to configure smallData, in particular how to extract features of "big data" area detectors, is described on its own subpage.