Direct network access for e.g. scp is blocked between the lat-sskiw01/02 workstations and the MCR bastion host (lat-dmz01). In fact, only outbound connections and traffic are allowed from these workstations. To push files to, or pull files from, the MCR bastion host lat-dmz01 when working at one if the sskiw machines, you must use the FASTCopy client program fcopy, as follows (Note that on the sskiw machines, the hostname 'lat-dmz01' actually resolves to the IP address of the "lat-sskid01" machine in the SSKI rack. This machine is the endpoint of an SSH tunnel of port 40000/TCP from the real lat-dmz01 machine. FASTCopy transfers use port 40000):

1 MEGO == My Eyes Glaze Over