[1030 $] ./bin/Linux-g++/slic -h
Start Time <Fri Dec  8 16:19:19 2006>
Simulator for the Linear Collider; SLIC; v2r0p12; Jeremy McCormick and Ron Cassell; SLAC; Fri Dec  1 15:47:39 PST 2006

* SLIC Usage *

Command line usage:

slic [single_macro_path]
slic [options]

Interactive usage:

slic -n

* Command Line Options *

Option  Full Name       Macro Command           Description
-h      --help          /slic/usage             Print SLIC usage.
-?      --help          /slic/usage             Print SLIC usage.
-n      --interactive   /control/interactive    Start a Geant4 interactive session.
-v      --version       /slic/version           Print SLIC version.
-m      --macro         /control/execute        Execute Geant4 commands from a file.
-g      --lcdd-url      /lcdd/url               Set LCDD geometry file URL.
-i      --event-file    /generator/filename     Set event input file full path.
-o      --lcio-file     /lcio/filename          Set name of LCIO output file.
-p      --lcio-path     /lcio/path              Set directory for LCIO output.
-O      --autoname      /lcio/autoname          Automatically name the LCIO output file.
-x      --lcio-delete   /lcio/fileExists delete Delete an existing LCIO file.
-r      --run-events    /run/beamOn             Run # of events.
-s      --skip-events   /generator/skipEvents   Set number of events to skip.
-l      --physics-list  /physics/select         Set Geant4 physics list.
-L      --log-file      /log/filename           Set logfile name.
-d      --seed          /random/seed            Set the random seed.  (No argument seeds with time.)
-G      --dump-gdml     /lcdd/dumpGDML          Dump geometry to GDML file.