Download lcgeo from GitHub (delete any older installation of lcgeo, if the case)
git clone
Configure ILCSoft v01-19-04 and compile lcgeo
cd lcgeo
mkdir build 
cd build
source /cvmfs/
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..
make -w -j4 install
Setup lcgeo
cd ..
source bin/
Now, get these out of the way so that the v01-19-04 ddsim is used 
rm -rf bin/ddsim lib/python/DDSim
which ddsim should display
Create single particle slcio file
cd example/
export PYTHONPATH=${LCIO}/src/python:${ROOTSYS}/lib:$PYTHONPATH
Run simulation with the SiD_o3_v02 model
 ddsim --compactFile ../SiD/compact/SiD_o3_v02/SiD_o3_v02.xml --inputFiles mcparticles.slcio -N 10 --outputFile simple_lcio.slcio
Check the output
anajob simple_lcio.slcio
dumpevent simple_lcio.slcio  1