This is a simple howto explaining how to add or edit a file in iLCSoft/lcgeo using only the GitHub web interface. This method would be best suited for minor changes, like fixing typos, changing a parameter, etc.
First, we create a fork of iLCSoft/lcgeo by clicking the 'Fork' button on the top right corner:
Then, in the popup dialog, we click my avatar to create protopopescu/lcgeo. ⚠️ If the fork is already there, make sure it's up to date, else you will have to rebase it and it's not possible from within the browser. The title in the top left will now say
Let's now navigating to the file we want to edit, and click the 'Edit' icon like this
We edit the file in the browser, and when finished we scroll down, and fill the commit title and comments 
We want to commit to the master in this case, since the master is actually our fork. Click 'Commit changes' and we're done here.
We notice at the top right a 'Pull request' option
We click it and are presented with
We click the green button, add a title and comments for this pull request, and click 'Create pull request' button. Once the pull request is approved, the changes will go into the iLCSoft/lcgeo master