Controls Camera User Guide

For XPP/XCS, there is a convenience scripts for Gige cameras that can be called from the command line called "gige".

"gige -h" will list the available options. If no option is passed, you will get a list of cameras to choose from. By default, the camera viewer described here will be opened for the requested camera. The came can be passed using the "-c <cam #/cam name>" options. If you pass "-m" in addition to the "-c XXX" argument, you will get the expert edm screen. Should the viewer not work (e.g. not update), open the edm screen and start simple trouble shooting described here(to be made).

If you would like to record your controls camera in the xtc stream along with the DAQ data, contact your PCDS-POC. The IOC will need to be build with support for timestamps so that images can be assigned to events. After that, they can be added to the DAQ under the "Camera IOCs" section.

EPICS trouble shooting

 If a PV gives you trouble a first good step is to reboot the IOC. For that you will use the IOC manager. If you know the PV, you can use the "FindPV" feature to find out which IOC you want to reboot. Otherwise try to located the right IOC by hoping that reasonable aliases have been used for the IOC manager in question.

You can start the IOCmanger using  (reg/g/xpp/scripts/)iocmanager. Unless you pass the hutch/area, it will guess the hutch from the machine you are on.


Ioc Manager User Guide

Details aimed at controls personnel can be found here