Static Binary

The SimDist build system attempts to minimize SLIC's runtime dependencies. On Linux, you should get a static binary at SimDist/packages/slic/SLIC_VERSION/bin/G4SYSTEM/slic that can be run without a wrapper script. Alternately, use the SimDist wrapper script at SimDist/scripts/, which will setup runtime dependencies in case you built with some shared libraries.


If Xerces was compiled with shared libraries, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable needs to contain the directory with the shared library. This applies to Linux only! The corresponding variable for OSX is DYLIB_LIBRARY_PATH, and it is PATH on Windows. So change the following command accordingly.


Geant4 Data Files

Several of the Geant4 physics lists require that the environment contain variables that point to the Geant4 data files containing cross-sections and similar information.

Firstly, download the Geant4 data files and untar them into a directory. We call this directory G4DATA. Then set the following variables before running SLIC.

export G4LEVELGAMMADATA=$G4DATA/PhotonEvaporation
export G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=$G4DATA/RadiativeDecay
export NeutronHPCrossSections=$G4DATA/G4NDL3.7