This page is gathering any piece of information needed for the Beamtest Status presentation due to the Collaboration Meeting in November 2007 in Washington


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first attempt: DRAFT

Comment(Elliott): In your talk I generally agree with the points. However, as I mentioned in the meeting on Wednesday, Nov7, the anti-quenching seen for heavy ions in the two GSI beam tests is still a mystery. Also, the comparisons that Ping has been making between dE/dx theory and GEANT (GLEAM) for the mean energy loss (using MC truth) show a sensitivity to the cuts on the muons. There is good agreement for muons between dE/dx theory and GLEAM for the mean energy deposit, but only for no cuts. Just making a mild directional cut on the muon in the CALdirZ paramenter gives a few percent antiquenching like effect of GLEAM MC vs theory. Preliminary results on protons and C using MC (Ping) and data (Yvonne) also show a strong dependence in the mean energy loss on cuts (in this case energy deposit, not loss). These effects seem to be angle dependent. Thus, I believe that we have a lot of work yet to understand these effects that are the basis of our energy calibration method on orbit. I would feel that we are taking a large risk in using the GSI antiquenching results at face value in our calibration proceedures.

List of all analysis topics

Instrument response

Instrumental effects

MC simulation


Background study runs

Other topics/ideas/comments

things we did

Some comments (luca)

Talk should have a list of