Feodor-Lynen Research Fellowship

Sponsorship by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. For research stays by researchers from Germany of all disciplines and at all career stages. Applicants choose an academic host from the Humboldt Network, i.e. a Humboldt fellow (from a previous research stay in Germany), a recipient of a Humboldt prize or similar. Two of the Feodor-Lynen hosts at SLAC are: Stan Brodsky and Roger Blandford.


For a postdoc fellow, Feodor-Lynen contributes approximately half of the fully burdened cost of a Stanford Postdoc.

More information: Feodor-Lynen Fellowship.

Contact: Rainer Bartoldus

France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

Offers three types of fellowships, ranging from 2 to 4 months, $5000−$7000.

More information: France-Stanford Fellowships.

Contact: ? (Rainer)

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans

Postgraduate fellowship for immigrants and children of immigrants. Up to $90,000 in funding toward their graduate education

More information: Soros Fellowship

Past fellows: Zihao Jiang

Contact: Su Dong