This page describes how to use imod on the SLAC systems.


GPU Resources


you can access the GPU interactive cluster using ssh, the -Y flag enables ssh tunnelling (ensure you have xquartz or similar installed on your local machine). There are three fully loaded GPU machines available, however, please use the k80 box at ocio-gpu01 for now. we will need to work out how best to share the resources between users as they are interactive hosts (not currently attached to a batch queuing system)

ssh -Y

you can see the gpu resources available by typing






IMOD needs to be loaded in order to work; we use environment modules. You can see what programs are available by entering


module avail

In order to load IMOD, we need to enter


module load module load imod-4.9.7-intel-17.0.4-2kdesbi

Then the common imod commands are available

imod -h

Files and Storage

The ocio-gpu systems are raid10 ssd machines. You should use /scratch for any work products for your analysis.